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Be Sober AF is a site for anyone ready to break up with booze. Whether it’s a temporary move (most of us start out that way) or a more permanent lifestyle change. We have the resources to help guide you. So whether your hangxiety is getting too much, you’re sick of being sick or you just want to take your health a bit more seriously. We’re here for you.

Going Alcohol Free (AF)


We won’t sugar coat it. Walking away from alcohol can feel daunting. It’s only when we’re faced with quitting that we realise just how engrained it is in our society (particularly here in the UK). But fear not! Be Sober AF was created to ease your transition, bringing you helpful tips & advice from the amazing Alcohol Free (AF) community who’ve ditched alcohol & never looked back.


Sober Curious?

Trust us when we tell you, going AF is more than just passing up on hangovers… not to undermine hangover free life because it is fantastic. Yes there’s less headaches and fatigue but there’s also more energy, experiences, connections, fun and memories to be made. Ones you’ll actually remember!

Sober Curious is a wonderful term for anyone that’s wondered what life without alcohol could be like. Well, there’s only one way to find out.

If you fancy a challenge (who doesn’t), why not commit to going a whole year Alcohol Free? You’ll be amazed at how much your life can change in 12 months. And we’ll be amazed if you decide to go back to drinking!

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