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Alcohol Free Gin
Reading Time: 6 minutes

The alcohol free market is booming. As Forbes & IWSR report, it’s the fastest growing segment in the UK. If you’re new to the alcohol free lifestyle, you’ve joined at a wonderful time. Our predecessor’s weren’t blessed with the ample choice of alcohol free gins & drinks we have today. Beck’s Blue was the the pinnacle! Today, if you fancy an alcohol free tipple, you’re not short of choices. This article will explore the best non alcoholic gins available. Whether you’re fully sober, taking part in sober October or dry January or are just trying to cut down, we’ve got the perfect gin alternative for you.

Disclosure: This article may contain affiliate links meaning I gain commission if you purchase through my links, at no cost to you.

Why Choose Alcohol Free Spirits?

Non alcoholic drinks aren’t for everyone. In fact, if you struggle with alcohol addiction they can be incredibly triggering. But, if you’re simply trying to lower your alcohol intake (or to give up alcohol for a year), they are fantastic option. All of the aesthetic, arguably a nicer taste and none of the hangover, memory loss or morning after shame that comes with it.

Non alcoholic gins can be the perfect accompaniment to your social events. Whilst I don’t advocate relying on non alcoholic drinks, they are certainly a great choice for feeling included when you’re surrounded by drinkers. Personally, I find having a non alcoholic drink in hand allows me to relax & settle into situations without feeling like I’ve got a huge SOBER stamp on my forehead.

Best Non Alcoholic Gins

1. Best Classic Alcohol Free Gin

Brand: Tanqueray 0.0%

Cost: £15

Flavour: Citrus & Juniper

Best Enjoyed: with tonic water, a slice of Lime or a slice of Orange Peel, poured over ice

Tanqueray is often hailed by purists as the GOAT of gins. Their 0.0% follows the same magic formula, using only 4 botanicals to create a classic gin & tonic.

2. Best Value Alcohol Free Gin

Brand: CleanCo 0.4%

Price: £19

Flavour: Juniper & Summer Berries, Citrus & Floral

Best Enjoyed: with tonic water, a slice of Lemon and pour over ice

CleanCo Clean G is just one of the wonderful drinks available in their range. Clean G is CleanCo’s take on a London Dry Gin. Fronted by Spencer Matthews, the brand was developed after the birth of his first child. The goal? Allowing him to enjoy the flavour of alcohol without all of the setbacks.

3. Best Upmarket Alcohol Free Gin

Brand: Pentire 0%

Cost: £27

Flavour: Rock Samphire, Sage, Pentire Plant Blend, Citrus and Cornish Sea Salt

Best Enjoyed: with tonic water, a Bay Leaf & your choice of Rosemary or Sage

Hailing from North Cornwall, you won’t find any of the sweeteners or artificial flavours that you might find in some of the cheaper non alcoholic gins inside Pentire’s very aesthetically pleasing bottle. Pentire exclusively uses botanicals that grow local to the area and pride themselves on their sustainability. A non alcoholic gin to be enjoyed for its authenticity, not for its attempt to replicate.

4. Best Alcohol Free Pink Gin

Brand: Warners 0%

Cost: £15

Flavour: Raspberry, Blackcurrant Sage, Ginger and Chilli

Best Enjoyed: with mediterranean tonic water, Mint & Raspberries

Warner’s award winning non alcoholic pink gin is a staple for your alcohol free cabinet – and a treat for your taste buds! If you want to make it extra pink, try Fever Tree Rhubarb & Raspberry tonic.

5. Best Alcohol Free Gin for Cocktails

Brand: Seedlip 0%

Cost: £21.99

Flavour: top notes of Peas & Hay with a complex herbal base character of Spearmint, Rosemary & Thyme

Best Enjoyed: in a ‘Garden Mule’ a la Kerridge’s. Mix with Lime Juice, Ginger Syrup & Ginger Beer.

If it’s good enough for Michelan chef Tom Kerridge, it’s good enough for me! Tom has recently spoken out about going alcohol free & Seedlip is his non alcoholic spirit of choice for his restaurant Kerridge’s. A high end product with a reasonable price point, you’ll enjoy mixing up alcohol free drinks with any of Seedlips range.

6. Best Cheap Alcohol Free Gin

Brand: Gordon’s 0.0%

Price: £14

Flavour: Piney Juniper led characters

Best Enjoyed: as a gin & tonic. Mix with tonic water, over ice with a slice of Lime

If you’re on a budget or are looking for a no thrills gin alternative, Gordon’s alcohol free is a great choice. It’s very easy to treat going alcohol free as a hobby. Blowing a load of cash on embracing your new life style with lots of fancy drinks. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re hoping to save some cash with your new lifestyle but think you’ll miss your Friday night glass of gin, Gordon’s alcohol free won’t break the bank.

7. Best Gin Alternative from Gin Makers

Brand: Sipsmith 0%

Flavour: Juniper & Citrus

Best Enjoyed: with tonic water, ice & a Grapefruit Garnish

SipSmith are experts in gin distilling & I’m over the moon to see them move into the alcohol free market. Free Glider

Honourable Mention

Brand: STRYKK 0%

Cost: £16

Flavour: Blended with Juniper Berries, Basil, Coriander & Rosemary to produce an authentic tasting alcohol free London dry gin

Best Enjoyed: in a Bramble. Try Funkin Bramble mix for simplicity! Just add STRYKK to finish it off.

I’m love brands that only produce alcohol free drinks – as opposed to big alcohol jumping on the growing market. STRYKK specialise in non alcoholic spirits and have a great range to explore. The STRYKK Not Gin has a spicy aftertaste, perfect if you’re missing that authentic booze burn. It’s also gluten free & vegan.


Where Can I Drink Non Alcoholic Gin?

With the increase in popularity, you might be lucky enough to find a non alcoholic spirit in a pub. But, it’s still unlikely you’ll have much of a choice. Sadly, you can’t bring your own own drink into pubs, bars or restaurants.

Of course, you can drink alternatives in your own home but you can also enjoy them in public spaces where the consumption of alcohol is prohibited.

If you’re attending a social event at a private venue for say a wedding reception or birthday party, I recommend calling beforehand to find out if they have options. And if they don’t, ask if they mind you bringing your own to put behind the bar. I have done this before & it makes the entire night so much more enjoyable. Joining the bar queue like everyone else and being served. Most people won’t even notice you’re not drinking!

Why Should I Drink a Non Alcoholic Spirit?

There are many reasons!

  • If you’re getting fed up of your reputation as a booze hound, you might find swapping the bottle for an alternative very beneficial for your mental health.
  • Giving up alcohol doesn’t mean giving up the fun. Although it might make you reassess what your idea of fun is!
  • A huge part of our drink consumption lies in habit – the end of the work day glass, the weekend cocktails and so on. You can try to break the habit, or, replace the habit with a healthier one.
  • In solidarity with sober friends! Maybe you have a friend whose cutting back for their own reasons, health reasons or even pregnancy. Support them & help them feel included.
  • Avoid the dreaded hangover. When I quit drinking it was a revelation when I realised hangovers were optional. That might sound daft but I genuinely had never considered a life without booze and had no ability to not take it too far.

Where Can I get More Information or Support?

For links to charities, sober community groups, helplines or sites to locate therapists check out our resources page here.