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There are plenty of alcohol free Prosecco options on the market today. So, if sparkling fermented grape juice was your go to when you were drinking then you’re in luck!

Sometimes you just need to pop a cork in celebration, but that doesn’t mean you need to finish the night carrying your shoes & queuing for a kebab. Whatever the occasion, if you’re looking to raise a glass, the below are the best alcohol free Prosecco’s in the UK right now.

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Why Alcohol Free Prosecco?

I hear you ask! Having something fizzy (and sometimes pink) in a glass provides the association of celebrating without the impending hangover, hangxiety or memory loss. When the big moments in life require a toast, they should also require presence and full enjoyment of the big moment.

Alcohol actually numbs our emotions which is why it’s so appealing after a stressful day – but other than being a destructive ‘coping’ mechanism – it does absolutely nothing to relieve stress. In fact it causes stress on the body. (I know, what a bummer).

Without alcohol, we’re forced to be present, authentic & to deal with our vulnerabilities. So, for example, if you find alcohol acted as social lubricant for you, it can be daunting to head out to an event sober (particularly with people you don’t know well). But I promise learning to handle scenarios like this will bring far more fulfilment and far less angst. I for one, do not miss waking up the next day and cringing into my pillow about all the inappropriate things I said or did the night before. Nothing beats waking up hangover free!

Non Alcoholic Prosecco is Perfect for:

  • Baby showers
  • Wedding days
  • Hen do’s
  • Graduations
  • Holidays
  • The night before all of the above
  • And, generally anytime you want to raise a glass

If you have any non drinker or pregnant friends, non alcoholic bubbles are a really a nice touch to make sure they are able to join in the toasts at weddings. And, if you’re hosting a baby shower, perfect for making sure mum to be doesn’t feel excluded. If you’re more of a gin person, then check out the best alcohol free gins here.

So without further ado, let’s explore the best non alcoholic Prosecco on the market in the UK today. This list includes a mixture of alcohol free alternatives & naturally alcohol free fizzy options.

The Best Alcohol Free Prosecco

1. The OG Non Alcoholic Prosecco

Brand: Nozeco 0.5%

Cost: £3 per bottle

Flavour: Intense fruity notes, white flowers & white grapes. Well balanced.

Nozeco is a wonderful alcohol free alternative. It’s incredibly cheap and if you pop it in a champagne flute, most people won’t notice you’re not serving them alcohol. It’s gently sparkling and not too sweet.

Is it the best non alcoholic prosecco available? I don’t think so, but I drink it frequently enough (it’s available in small individual bottles too!). If you’re looking to supply guests with a non alcoholic drink, this is a great option. You can pick up a case of 6 for the cost of 1 expensive bottle of Prosecco! A staple to keep chilling in the fridge for when the mood strikes you.

Additional notes: Vegan, available in Rosé, 50cals per 250ml glass.

2. The Best Value Non Alcoholic Prosecco

Brand: Freixenet 0%

Cost: £4.50

Flavour: Raspberries, strawberries, floral & tropical fruit notes.

Freixenet is a crowd pleaser & has the rave reviews to prove it – enjoyed by drinkers & non drinkers alike. And, it’s still an absolute bargain.

If you’re looking for an affordable, easy drinking glass of fizz then look no further. Freixenet has a more upmarket feel to it but still carries the budget price tag. Perfect for drinking on an occasion.

Additional notes: Vegan, available in white, 48cals per 250ml glass.

3. Best Upmarket ‘Sparkling Tea’

Brand: Fortnum & Mason’s Sparkling Tea 0%

Cost: £17.95

Flavour: Notes of tropical fruits, lemongrass, water mint and Darjeeling. Drier tannins & a long-lasting hint of jasmine on the finish.

If you’re looking to push the boat out, or looking for a congratulations gift for a loved one, F&M sparkling tea is sure to impress. Made using a blend of their 8 organic famous brews, this beverage packs a complex & individual flavour. Whilst not marketed as non alcoholic Prosecco, the bottle still provides the champagne esq aesthetic but doesn’t try to be an imitation.

Perfect for celebratory brunch & afternoon tea. Being sparkling tea, this drink contains caffeine so may want to be avoided as an evening drink (unless you’re in for a late one!).

Additional notes: contains caffeine, vegan, available in rosé, 38 cals per 250ml glass.

4. Best For Dinner Parties

Brand: Codorníu 0%

Cost: £5.99

Flavour: Tropical fruits & citrus flavours

Amazon’s best seller under the Cava range (they also sell alcoholic products so pay special attention to what you’re buying). Codorníu offers Spanish alcohol free sparkling white wine at a very reasonable price point – especially when considering it’s organic! Non alcoholic wine still has a way to go so if you’re looking for a grown up drink to enjoy with a meal, this is a good option. The perfect dinner party accompaniment.

Additional notes: organic, vegan, 78cals per 250ml glass.

5. Best All Rounder

Brand: Belle & Co Rosé

Cost: £3.60

Flavour: Raspberries, fruity taste

Not just a cute bottle! Another crowd pleaser, Belle & Co’s rosé is ideal for any occasion. Cheap enough to drink ‘just because’ and nice enough to bring to / or provide at an event. Perfect for brunch, baby showers, toasting or making a summery sangria with.

If you’re looking for a dryer Prosecco, try the white variation. This drink contains a small amount of green tea so those sensitive to caffeine might want to avoid drinking it late.

Additional notes: contains caffeine, vegan, available in white, 55cals per 250ml glass

6. Best Non Alcoholic Fizz for Weddings

Brand: Oddbird Blancs de Blanc 0%

Cost: £9.99

Flavour: Apple, Lemon peel, Lime, Honey and Almond

Not your average alcohol free bubbly. Created with the help of champagne experts, this sparkling Chardonnay is aged for up to 12 months. It’s not just ‘alcohol free’. It’s liberated from alcohol – which is a message I can get behind.

Sitting somewhere Prosecco & Champagne, this bottle is perfect for very special occasions.

Additional notes: Organic, vegan, 55cals per 250ml glass.

7. Best Healthy Alternative

Brand: REAL Royal Flush

Cost: £3

Flavour: Dry Dragon: straw, grapefruit and sweet lemons. Royal Flush: rhubarb and white peach

I never paid attention to my sugar intake when I was out boozing so I try not to focus too much on it when it comes to alcohol free alternatives. That said, health is a huge driver for me staying alcohol free. Switching out non alcoholic imitations for Kombucha is a simple way of adding in some good stuff & upping your self care game. Looks like bubbly in a glass but of course it’s fermented – so it’s good for your gut. More exciting than a soft drink, healthier than a glass of alcohol free Prosecco.

Perfect for when you’re watching your sugar intake or have a lot of social events in a short period of time.

Additional notes: Vegan, contains caffeine, 45cals per 250ml glass.


Why Drink Alcohol Free Prosecco?

Non alcoholic sparkling wine, Prosecco or champagne is perfect for when you want to celebrate life without ruining the next day. When you choose not to drink booze at events, you’re choosing to be present & fully there for the loved ones in your life (or yourself depending on the event!).

It can feel disheartening to think you’ll be sipping on a diet coke whilst everyone toasts with champers. But, lucky for us, there are tonnes of varieties now to suit all tastes and occasions. And, venues are generally accepting of people not drinking with no questions asked and will try to accommodate you.

Alcohol free Prosecco is perfect if you’re pregnant, experiencing health complications, are prioritising your sleep or have just decided that life is better when it’s not tainted by hangovers, undue anxiety and blacking out & forgetting life’s important moments.

A Major Event Sober?! I’m Nervous!

That’s totally normal, most of us get a little anxiety before a big night out even when we’re drinking! There’s a couple of genuinely helpful tricks you can use.

  1. Tell yourself you’re excited rather than nervous. This works for anything you’re nervous about. Studies have shown that the physical effects of being nervous and excited are exactly the same and by saying out loud you are excited (rather than nervous) is anough to trick the brain into believing the feeling is excitement. Crazy right?
  2. BE PREPARED. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. If you’re worried you’ll have nothing to drink & will feel left out sipping on a diet coke, do everything you can to avoid that happening (see below). If you’re worried about being overwhelmed & wanting to drink, plan an exit strategy. Decide whether you want to tell people or not in advance. People are generally interested when you talk about your decision to quit – but you need to put the boundary in place first as to whether you want to talk about it or not. Stand by your decision (boundaries are your best friend now).

What if the Venue Doesn’t Serve Alcohol Free Alternatives?

Fear not! As previously mentioned, most venues will try to accommodate you. My advice is to look up the venue online & check their menu to see what the options are. If there is nothing suitable, I would call the venue & have a conversation with them – particularly if the venue has been hired privately for the event.

They might offer to get something in for you, or you can offer to BYOAF (bring your own alcohol free). I have done this before, popped a couple of bottles of Nozeco behind the bar & had it served back to me throughout the night at no extra charge (cheapest night out ever!). They may request you pay a serving charge but it’s a small price to pay & probably still cheaper than if you were drinking!

Where Can I get More Information or Support?

For links to charities, sober community groups, helplines or sites to locate therapists check out our resources page here.