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Non alcoholic Mulled cider
Reading Time: 3 minutes

You’ve probably tried mulled wine, but have you ever tried alcohol free mulled cider? Now the days are getting shorter, the weather is getting colder, all I want to do is wrap up warm & sip on delicious drinks that’ll warm me from the inside out.

I first tried mulled cider at the Duke of York Square market in Sloane Square. I would grab a cup a walk around the market deciding what to eat whilst it kept my hands warm. The trouble is, a couple of these would ultimately lead to me not wanting to eat, but to continue drinking and thus the tone would be set for the evening. When will I learn? (I came to terms at age 32 that I simply wouldn’t). If you’re wondering the same thing, why not see if you can go alcohol free for a year?

Enter alcohol free mulled cider. All the taste to warm your cockles, none of the alcohol railroading your life. Cinnamon, All Spice & Cloves create an amazing aroma which will get your house smelling unreal. So, if you’re looking to get into the festive spirit, why not try this alcohol free mulled cider recipe. Perfect for drinking at home, with friends or making & taking to bonfire night! (You’ll have no trouble drinking this and getting behind the wheel!)

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What Does Alcohol Free Mulled Cider Taste Like?

It’s sweet. If that’s not your thing you may want to omit the sugar to begin with & keep adding little by little until you reach the perfect level for your taste. Go on empower yourself!

The combination of apple with the spices is incredible, very autumnal & I think you’ll enjoy smelling it as much as you’ll enjoy drinking it.


  • Cooking Time: 30mins
  • Serves 8 (8 x 250ml glasses)

The recipe has nice round numbers so it’s easy to manipulate if you need to make more or less.


To Prepare

Pour your alcohol free cider, apple juice & sugar into a saucepan & gently heat on a very low temperature. You do not want this to start bubbling and reducing. Just gradually, gently, heating up.

While the sugar is dissolving, prepare the other ingredients. Grate your orange zest straight into the saucepan & slice up the orange – adding to the pot as you go. Snap the cinnamon sticks in half before adding them in. Stir to combine and leave to heat for 30 minutes.

To Serve

Choose your heatproof vessel of choice. Mugs are perfect but, if you have suitable glasses, this drink looks pretty if you choose to add in some of the solid ingredients.

Using a ladle, fill up your mugs or glasses with the alcohol free mulled cider.

Optional: Add a stick of cinnamon &/or a slice of orange into your cup of choice.

Imperative: Enjoy!


Where Can I get More Information or Support?

For links to charities, sober community groups, helplines or sites to locate therapists check out our resources page here.