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Quit Lit
Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is Quit Lit?

Quit lit is a genre of books around quitting – typically drinking. It literally means quit literature. Unlike generic non-fiction books focused on fearmongering (when will people realise that just doesn’t work?), quit lit focusses more on what a life without alcohol can deliver. We join our authors as they share their (not uncommon) tribulations with alcohol & get a feel for what a sober lifestyle really entails.

If you’ve already quit drinking, quit lit is a good tool to use regularly to not only remind you of the reasons why you stopped in the first place, but also to expand your knowledge & continue to learn new reasons why you should continue to lay off the drink. (Life is good but sometimes we forget why!)

If you think you’d like to stop drinking, quit lit is the perfect affordable tool to help you change your relationship with alcohol. In fact, it’s one of our top tips to help you give up alcohol for a year!

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For the Newbie

The Unexpected Joy of being Sober by Catherine Gray

The unexpected joy of being sober by Catherine Gray is a classic, easy to read & thoroughly enjoyable account of her transition to sobriety. Catherine Gray writes honestly about her party lifestyle & how it eventually began to take it’s toll on her wellbeing, physical & mental health. We follow Catherine’s story as she overcomes her addiction to discover a life more fulfilling than her wildest dreams. No matter where you are on your journey with alcohol, (even if you’re just thinking about cutting back) Catherine’s story is extremely relatable and focusses on the beauty of life without the drinking. Humorous & heartwarming,

Read me if: You’re new to the concept of going alcohol free or are looking for confirmation that a life without alcohol isn’t something to be dreaded.

Already read the unexpected joy of being sober? Check out Catherine’s follow-up book: Sunshine Warm Sober.

Purchase The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober here, or listen on audible here.

For the Woman Who Takes No Sh!t

Quit Like a Woman by Holly Whitaker

Quit like a woman exposes the way in which the alcohol industry has tricked women into believing their liberating themselves by drinking alcohol. Holly Whitaker will have you comparing Big Alcohol to Big Tobacco and you may well find you’ve spent years being duped by big marketing budgets.

Read me if: You want to know more about Big Alcohol, are obsessed with cults or want to fight the patriarchy by turning down alcohol.

Purchase Quit Like a Woman by Holly Whitaker here, or listen on audible here.

For the Intellectual

This Naked Mind by Annie Grace

Looking for a book that explores how science & culture impact our drinking choices? Annie Grace’s Naked Mind helps us to cut down or stop drinking completely by focussing on how alcohol really is an addicting substance. Exploring how society expects us to drink… well… all the time. And, that we’re often viewed as extreme for deciding to go alcohol free but are praised for quitting literally any other addictive substance.

Read me if: you want to change the way you think about drinking alcohol.

Purchase This Naked Mind by Annie Grace here, or listen on audible here.

For the Observational Learner

Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions by Russel Brand

Even people who know very little about Russel Brand will have likely heard stories of his past. Famously sober (or famously addicted to everything going depending on how you want to look at it…) Russel offers a real life account & a step by step plan to overcome your addiction(s).

Read me if: You want real life stories & a plan to help you stop drinking – or want to quit more than just drinking.

Purchase Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions by Russel Brand here, or listen on audible here,

For the Uncommitted

Sober Curious by Ruby Warrington

Ruby Warrington coined the phrase ‘sober curious’ and is for self discovery & assessing your relationship with alcohol. Rather than grapple with resistance to quitting, Ruby will have you exploring your very own reasons for drinking in the first place – without fearmongering!

If you’re the extra credit type of person I applaud you and point you towards The Sober Curious Reset: Change the Way You Drink in 100 Days Or Less. Prompted journal entries (with space to write your answers) and tasks for you to complete for 100 days as you deep dive into your reasons for drinking.

Read me if: You’re on the fence about quitting alcohol but are willing to proceed with an open mind. You might discover alcohol just isn’t serving you & arrive at the decision to quit in your own time.

Purchase Sober Curious by Ruby Warrington here, or listen on audible here,

For the Logical Thinker

Alcohol Explained by William Porter

One of the most praised books about alcohol among the sober community. William Porter makes some very valuable points about alcohol largely based on his own experience & observations. Despite the lack of science behind some of his points, they do make logical sense and allow you the space to make your own mind up about how alcohol is impacting your body & health. There was one particular revelation that has always stuck with me in this book. The fact that because so much time passes between the consumption of alcohol & the killer hangover, our brains never truly make the association that alcohol = hangover.

Read me if: You want to understand physiologically why you keep returning to alcohol even when you say you’re not going to. Or, you’re looking for a male author (that’s not Russel Brand).

Purchase Alcohol Explained by William Porter here, or listen on audible here.

For the Pessimist

We Are The Luckiest by Laura McKowen

We are the luckiest is a positive page turner! Laura’s memoir illustrates her own brutally honest personal struggles with alcohol. She also touches on the role that alcohol plays in our society (a recurring theme!). Laura’s take home message is one we love to hear – sobriety delivers more than alcohol.

Read me if: Your convinced a life without alcohol will be a lifetime of wanting what you can’t have. (Spoiler alert – it’s not true!)

Purchase We Are The Luckiest by Laura McKowen here, or listen on audible here.


Will these books make quitting alcohol easier?

First & foremost, if you’re truly concerned about your drinking, seek professional medical help. If you’re trying to ascertain you relationship with alcohol & thinking of taking a break or going completely alcohol free, any of these books will likely to ease the mental transition that needs to take place, enabling this to be an enjoyable process. One that can offer an incredible amount of personal growth.

Finding role modes that YOU resonate with, who have been there and done that, can absolutely help to open your mind to a new way of thinking about alcohol. Any of these authors might be able to offer you that – in a very affordable way.

How do I know if I should quit drinking?

A common theme amongst the sober movement is that you really don’t have to wait until you’ve ‘hit rock bottom’ to decide to do something about your drinking habits. If alcohol is negatively impacting your life AT ALL, you have cause to delve into your reasons for drinking & consider taking a break to see if your life improves. How might it be negatively impacting you? Anxiety, memory loss (ie blackout), hangovers from hell, feeling apathetic, acting impulsively, spending frivolously, repeating negative cycles in any aspects of your life or noticing your relationships (personal or professional) are being impacted by alcohol.

Where Can I get More Information or Support?

For links to charities, sober community groups, helplines or sites to locate therapists check out our resources page here.