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best non drinking games
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Whether you’re newly sober or taking a break from alcohol, you might find yourself worrying about how you’re going to have any fun. Especially if drinking used to be a big part of your identity. Whilst going alcohol free isn’t without it’s challenges, the fun most certainly doesn’t stop. It just looks different. Think belly laughing at a hilarious game with your friends rather than laughing because you fell down 3 stairs and lost your shoe.

Hosting a party can be a great way to remind yourself (and your guests) that fun doesn’t look like shouting at each other over the loud music before retiring to the smoking area for your forgettable DMCs.

Forget drinking games like Beer Pong and King’s Cups. With these games, you’ll be able to remember winning, not make a tit of yourself and crack on with your plans the next day. So, let’s explore the best party games – that don’t include alcohol!

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1. Beat That

Cups, a ping pong ball – but none of the beer (of following fear). With 160 challenges like bouncing two ping pong balls into two cups with one hand, this party game is sure to bring out yours & your opponents competitive side. Oh trust me, it’s there when alcohol isn’t the main focus. This is a great game that will provide hours of fun – it’s also been featured on This Morning. Buy Beat That here.

  • Will keep you all busy
  • You’ll be better at the game sober

2. Secret Hitler

It might feel weird talking Hitler & games but I assure you Secret Hitler is in fact a lot of fun. It’s a similar format to Warewolf & the newly popular TV show ‘Traitors’. Depending on the group size, you will have a number of fascists’ & a Hitler among you – other players are liberals. The liberals need to catch the fascists’ (who are working together) & stop Hitler from winning.

  • Easy to pick up
  • Once players are confident, more tactics come into play
  • Find out how good your friends are at lying
  • Works well as an icebreaker
  • A tad on the expensive side

3. Obama Llama

Obama Llama is a super fun card game that’s also very transportable. The cards offer 3 sets of challenges – act it, solve it and describe it. Play in two teams (or more if you like) and take in turn to be the card bearer or the guesser. Use the timer on your phone & feel the pressure as you try to get as many correct answers in 30 seconds. Charades, memory & articulate all wrapped into one super fun game.

  • Transports well – bring anywhere with you
  • Easy to pick up
  • If you have friends that don’t know who anyone is or are likely embarrassed acting things out – give this one a miss

4. Confident?

If you’re looking for a game to play with family, this could be the one. Confident? is a guessing game where players write their answers to the question as a range. The smaller the range, the more points you get. This is also a good game for sparking discussion & sharing stories. Perfect played around the table.

  • Can be played in teams – good for a large group
  • Conversation sparker
  • It’s not timeless (answers may be outdated in a few years).

5. Hedbanz

Similar to ‘who am I?’ but for adults. If you can get past the terrible spelling of the name, Hedbanz is a super easy game to play with friends. There’s something sinisterly fun about everyone being in on the secret & one person just not getting it. Guaranteed laughs. Of course you can play this game with post it notes but sometimes it’s nice to have someone come up with the objects or person for you! Alternatively, you can download Heads Up for a smart phone version of the game.

  • Really easy
  • Classic game
  • Probably don’t want to be sitting around with headbands on in public – so not that portable

6. Cards Against Humanity

Cards Against Humanity has turned into a classic card game. It’s wrong on so many levels. But that’s why the people can’t get enough. It’s not for the easily offended (or the slow witted) but with the right participants, this game can be an absolute riot. Match the funniest answer card you can lay with the question card that’s been laid in the middle. Funniest answer wins the round.

  • No rules, just play
  • Unadulterated fun
  • Funniest answer is subjective so don’t expect a clear winner!

7. Don’t Get Got

Prepare to be a bit competitive. Don’t Get Got is a great game to last the whole night. Give your players mission packs at the beginning of the party and watch the game unfold. Filled with hilarious, sneaky missions – this game will have everyone trying to ‘get’ each other all night long. Of course, you have to be subtle or it will be really obvious & you’ll fail.

  • The game continues, even while you’re doing other stuff
  • Brilliant as an ice breaker
  • Play it anywhere
  • Not for the shy

The Best Non Drinking Party Games

And there you have it- guaranteed sober fun! If you never really got into party games when you were drinking then please stay open minded. Normally when we’re drinking we have a much shorter attention span & as everyone gets louder and more obnoxious it can be unbearable playing.

But, When we’re playing sober, the aim of the game is to have good wholesome fun with those around us. Nights go to plan when you’re not drinking. The dinner gets cooked, the games get played and the house doesn’t get trashed. It’s a win win win. So gather your besties, arm yourself with some games & have some fun!


How can I convince my friends that games don’t have to be drinking games?

If you’re the only one in your group whose gone dry & you’re nervous about spending quality time with your friends then honesty is the best policy. You don’t want to judge anyone for their own choices, but you can highlight your own vulnerabilities. Explain that you’re worried about how it might impact your friendship and that you’d love to host a games night to spend some quality time with your people. Whether you ask your friends to stay sober or not is up to you. If you find being around your friends drinking is triggering then you may want to ask them not to, just for the one night to give it a chance. Then all you can do is try your best to show them how much fun can be had.

The reality is, some people thrive off of the chaos that comes with binge drinking. If you have a friend (or a few) who are in this cycle, it might be very difficult to convince them otherwise – but if you’re here, you probably know that from first hand experience. And, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try! Just remember your worth & know that you are making an amazing lifestyle change for yourself.